Reminder: Schools are closed on Friday, March 29 and Monday, April 1, 2024.
about 1 month ago, JCSD
Reminder: Schools are closed on Friday, March 29 and Monday, April 1, 2024.
about 1 month ago, JCSD
As you are likely aware, there will be a solar eclipse during the afternoon hours of April 8th. However, its timing coincides with our usual dismissal times, posing a potential safety risk as students may inadvertently view the eclipse without proper precautions while leaving school or riding the bus and Guidance from PDE recommends early dismissal as an option for this event. To ensure the safety of our students, we have decided to initiate an early dismissal and suspend all afterschool activities until 5:30pm. This measure guarantees that all students will be safely home before the eclipse begins. All students will be dismissed at 12:30pm. For information on safely viewing the eclipse, please visit We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
about 1 month ago, JCSD
Reminder: Friday, February 16, 2024 is an Act 80 day with no school for students. Schools are closed on Monday, February 19, 2024 for President's Day. Have a great weekend!
3 months ago, JCSD
Due to the ongoing winter weather, Juniata County School District will be using a Flexible Instruction Day on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 following the 3 hour delay. Please check the news on our website for more information regarding Flexible Instruction Days. All evening activities are cancelled.
4 months ago, JCSD
Juniata County Families: School will be closed December 22 through January 2, 2024 for winter break. Classes resume January 3, 2024. Happy Holidays!
5 months ago, JCSD
Juniata County Families: School will be closed November 22 through November 27, 2023 for Thanksgiving Break.
6 months ago, JCSD
From Borough of Mifflintown: Cross Street Bridge will be open for vehicular and pedestrian traffic no later than December 31, 2023. The Borough is requesting that the School District advise all students that no pedestrian traffic is permitted until after December 31, 2023.
6 months ago, JCSD
JCSD Families: All schools will be operating lockdown drills next week. The schedule is as follows: Monday, November 13 will be JHS, November 14 will be EJHS, November 15 will be TJHS, November 16 will be EJES and November 17 is JES. The drills will be held in the morning and PSP may be onsite.
6 months ago, JCSD
Reminder: There is no school for students on Thursday, November 9 and Friday, November 10. There are parent teacher conferences on November 9 and Friday is Veteran's Day!
6 months ago, JCSD
Reminder: There is no school for students on Thursday, November 9 and Friday, November 10. There are parent teacher conferences on November 9.
6 months ago, JCSD
The Former Lack Tuscarora Elementary School Building, now the Tuscarora Community Building, has a library with internet and is opened for student use on Tuesday evenings from 6-8pm. This is located at 3044 Middle Road, Honey Grove.
8 months ago, Aaron Bennett
Hello JES Families: Tomorrow is the first day of school so I am sending out a few reminders and information about parent pickup and walkers. 1. If your child is on parent pickup, you need to get in the parent pick up line. We will be providing name cards for those students that are on parent pick up daily and we will not be releasing students to parents that walk up to the gym door. Please call in before 2pm if you need to add your child to parent pick up. 2. Only students that live in the walking zone will be allowed on the walker list. We will be reviewing addresses. 3. If your address is within the walking zone, your child is not rostered to a bus. If you are not comfortable with your child walking home, please make arrangements to have a responsible adult meet them where the walkers are released, or contact the school to arrange for your child to be held for parent pick up and then you will need to join the parent pick up line and your child will be released to you when your car pulls up to the building. Our #1 priority is the safety of your child, so I hope everyone understands the importance of these procedures. Here's to a GREAT YEAR @ JES!!!
8 months ago, Aaron Bennett
We would like to welcome back our wonderful students tomorrow for the first day of the 2023-2024 school year! Whether you're taking your first steps into our halls or returning as familiar faces, know that this space is where you can live out your dreams and expand your curiosity. Our dedicated educators and staff are here to guide, inspire, and support you as you navigate the exciting journey ahead. Have a great year!
8 months ago, JCSD
For the 23-24 school year breakfast will be FREE for all students. Lunch will be Free for all students with the FREE and REDUCED lunch statues. We encourage all parents to fill out an application for free/reduced lunch at
9 months ago, Aaron Bennett
Busing assignments have been mailed! If your student is assigned to van transportation, you will receive a phone call with your information during the week leading up to the first day of school. Please note that the last day to make changes to be effective for the first day of school, will be August 22 @ 8:00 am. Thanks and have an enjoyable remainder to your summer!
9 months ago, Aaron Bennett
Message from the Superintendent Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, and Staff, I am writing to address the tragedy that occurred yesterday that has deeply affected our school community. I want to extend my heartfelt condolences to all those affected by this unfortunate incident. Our thoughts and prayers are with the individuals and families affected, and we stand united as a community during this difficult time. Recognizing the emotional impact that such events can have on individuals, especially our students and staff, we are committed to providing support and counseling services to those who may require assistance in processing their feelings, finding comfort, or seeking guidance. Our top priority is the well-being and mental health of our school community, and we are dedicated to helping everyone cope with the aftermath of this tragedy. Our team of experienced and compassionate counselors will be available starting from 8AM to 11AM on Monday, June 19 at both East Juniata High School and Juniata Elementary School. We will offer a safe space for anyone to express their emotions, ask questions, and receive the support they need. Our counselors are well-equipped to address a wide range of concerns, including grief, trauma, anxiety, and any other challenges that may arise during this time. I want to assure you that confidentiality and privacy are of utmost importance in our counseling services. Our counselors strictly adhere to professional ethical guidelines and maintain strict confidentiality standards to ensure that all conversations and personal information shared remain private. If you believe that you, your child or any member of our staff would benefit from counseling or if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our counseling department. During this challenging time, it is crucial that we come together as a community, supporting one another and fostering a sense of togetherness. We are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all our students and staff, and we will continue to offer our unwavering support throughout the healing process. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Together, we can navigate this difficult journey and emerge stronger as a community. With sincere condolences, Christie Holderman
11 months ago, Aaron Bennett
Reminder! Friday, March 24, 2023 is an Act 80 day. There is no school for students.
about 1 year ago, JCSD
Attention Juniata County School District Parents: In an effort to communicate with parents of absent students and minimize errors, the school district will begin to utilize an automated call system to inform parents on days that their child was marked absent. If you ever feel that there is an error, please call your child’s school office. Also, please remember parents have 3 days to turn in an excuse and may feel free to email any excuse to the attendance secretary at their home school. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Aaron Bennett
JES families: Walker line procedure: If your address is within the walking zone, your child is not rostered to a bus. If you are not comfortable with your child walking home, please make arrangements to have a responsible adult meet them where the walkers are released, or contact the school to arrange for your child to be held for parent pick up and then you will need to join the parent pick up line and your child will be released to you when your car pulls up to the building.
over 1 year ago, Aaron Bennett