Aida and Nubians during Dance of the Robe

After last year’s great performance of Disaster, the drama club is ready to present you this year’s musical, Aida. Aida is the story of a Nubian princess, Aida falling in love with a captain in the Egyptian army who is betrothed to the Pharaoh's daughter. The love triangle almost tears the lovers apart, and you’ll have to come to see it for yourself if you want to know who prevails. This year’s cast has some faces you might recognize from last year and plenty of newcomers to the stage. The cast and stage crew have been working hard to put this show together. We are so excited to perform for you on March 3rd and 4th at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $5 and will be available in the cafeteria to purchase the week of the show and also at the door on show nights. We have also finally entered the 21st century and have a website to buy tickets online. We would appreciate you coming out and seeing the result of the work that was put in to make this happen. 

Link for tickets:

Lexie Gilson (Aida), Slone Smith (Radames), and Peyton Sheaffer (Amneris)

Photo by Natalie Popp