Calla Mianulli is the freshman candidate for October’s Student of the Month, 2023. In school Calla participates in SADD Club, Student Council, and plays the Bari Saxophone in our band. Her favorite subject in school is science and loves learning about how organisms and other living things survive. When Calla’s not in school, staying involved in clubs, or learning, you may see her twirling a baton at our Friday night football games. She uses her many years of musical talent from dancing at Margaret McCann School of Dance and brings that to the field as a majorette! In her down time, Calla enjoys reading, baking, and of course dancing. After high school Calla plans to attend college to study speech or physical therapy; good luck in your future Calla! 

A final congratulations to the following students chosen to represent October’s outstanding students! Freshman - Calla Mianulli, Sophomore - Zan Hockenberry, Junior - Kate Nace, Senior - Zulma Lopez!