Introducing November’s student of the month, we have Wyatt Stroup. Wyatt is currently in 9th grade, a freshman here at Juniata High School. Some of Wyatt’s activities include cross country and track & field. He resides currently in Port Royal with his parents. Wyatt’s sister Anna is a 2nd year student at Washington and Jefferson College. As of now, He is planning on going to a college for four years, and then he plans on going to law school and becoming a lawyer. His favorite class in school is Civics.  Wyatt is an all round funny guy that likes to make others laugh. Congratulations to the other students of the month who won in their respective grades. Tenth grade’s winner is Chaz Aucker. Eleventh grade’s winner is Tessa Fry. And Twelfth grade’s winner is Elizabeth Beward.