Emma and Ryan

After months of asking Mrs. Sutton- the art teacher here at Juniata High School- students were finally challenged with the task of creating charcoal portraits of a person of their choosing! Students were guided by Mrs. Sutton in studying the features of a human face, and bringing it to life to the best of their abilities. Students started by making the basic shape of their person’s head, and then slowly building it feature by feature. Starting with basic black and grey shading to make skin tones, the students soon moved on to the lips, nose, eyes, and hair.

    The portrait we’re focusing on this month was created by yours truly. That’s right, I get to try my hand at the art that I write about! For my portrait, I chose to draw Ryan Reynolds, and a certain part of it posed as a challenge. My portrait was going well until I had to make the eyes. Eyes are the window to the soul as they say, so you need to make sure they’re just right. From eye shape with the glares of light on the irises, I had to get very up close and personal with Mr. Reynolds- not to toot my own horn or anything, but I do believe my struggles really paid off. This is probably the best I’ve done on a project so far this year, and it’s almost time for our last hurrah of the school year. Wish us luck